Our learning philosophy is based on the internationally recognised Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) which sets high standards for the learning, development and care of young children from birth to 5 years old.
EYFS supports an integrated approach to early learning and care. Under EYFS our teachers are supported by an important set of teaching principles aimed to deliver high standards of childcare.
Each child has his or her own personal preferences and interests. At Markham, our learning environment will enable your child to learn at his or her own pace while further developing individual personal interests and skills.
We place great importance on helping young children to form positive relationships to enable them to be more self-confident, more independent and more self-assured.
Our Foundation Stage 1 classes are designed to stimulate learning through discovery. Our facilities are properly suited to encourage learning through exploration, all under the caring guidance and supervision of our staff.
Our curriculum (EYFS) covers several key areas of learning for Early Years children, including communication and language, physical development as well as personal, social and emotional development.