All applications to Markham College are online. Please email the Admissions office at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for instructions on how to access this system.
Early Years
Kindly note, the online applications for Early Years (Nursery, Pre-Kinder, Kinder and Primary 1) require the attachment of the following items. For your convenience, please have this information ready when completing your child’s application:
- Copy of the applicant’s birth certificate (If one or more parent is Peruvian, the applicant is required by law to have either a Peruvian birth certificate or a Peruvian birth abroad certificate)
- Copy of DNI for minors for Peruvian applicants
- Carnet de Extranjeria, Diplomatic Carnet or Passport for foreign applicants
- One recent photo of the applicant preferably taken within one month of the application
- One recent photo of the applicant’s family preferably taken within one month of the application (optional)
The application process for candidates to Early Years consists of the following:
- Complete revision of the family’s application
- Scheduled visits of Early Years for both Parents
- Scheduled personal meetings with Senior members of Staff(may be requested by the College)
All families will receive a letter regarding the school’s final decision. Kindly note, meetings to discuss the School’s final decision is not part of the regular admissions process.
Primary 2 onwards:
Kindly note, the online applications for Primary 2 onward require the attachment of the following items. For your convenience, please have this information ready when completing your child’s application:
- Copy of the applicant’s birth certificate (If one or more parent is Peruvian, the applicant is required by law to have either a Peruvian birth certificate or a Peruvian birth abroad certificate)
- Copy of DNI for minors for Peruvian applicants
- Carnet de Extranjeria, Diplomatic Carnet or Passport for foreign applicants
- One recent photo of the applicant preferably taken within one month of the application
- One recent photo of the applicant’s family preferably taken within one month of the application (optional)
- The last two years of academic transcripts from the applicant's current school attached with a complete explanation of the grading system.
- Copies of certificates of achievement, or letters of recommendation for excellence, in any of the following areas: Academic, Sport, Art, Music or Drama.
- Copy of the ‘Constancia de Matrícula del SIAGIE’ (only for candidates transferring from another school within Peru).
The application process for candidates Primary 2 onward consists of the following:
- Complete revision of the family’s application
- Scheduled visits of the College for both Parents and the applicant
- Personal interviews with the applicant conducted in both English and Spanish (interviews are conducted by Senior members of Staff)
- Written evaluations for English, Spanish and Mathematics (in English) in accordance with the year group to which the applicant is applying. Applicants for Secondary 3 onward may also be asked to sit examinations in subjects related to either IGCSE course levels and/or IB course levels.
- Additional personal meetings with Senior members of Staff may be requested by the College.
All families will receive a letter regarding the school’s final decision. Kindly note, meetings to discuss the School’s final decision is not part of the regular admissions process.