Round Square

It is an international association that connects more than 200 schools through exchange programmes and global and regional conferences in more than 60 countries around the world.

Round Square IDEALS

Exchange programme

The reciprocal International Exchange programme offers a wonderful opportunity to broaden horizons and for life-changing experiences. It is enriching for the international visitors and the school community as a whole.

Selection process

  • Invitation to apply opens in March to S2, S3 and S4 students
  • We offer about 40 places for students (five places for S2, ten for S3 and twenty-five for S4)
  • At the beginning of Bimester 1 students should complete an application form about their general school involvement
  • Students applying also have to host an exchange student as the programme is based on reciprocity
  • The selection committee includes:
    • Round Square coordinator
    • Counselling department
    • Heads of Year
    • Heads of Section
  • Students are chosen based on their performance in the Round Square IDEALS, their ability to work as part of a team and to cope with the challenges of living in a different environment
  • The approved list is shared with students
  • Selected students receive the Markham Exchange “Agreements and Commitments” form which must be signed by the parents and returned to the Round Square coordinator
  • The selection process only applies for the upcoming year (no places are reserved for later)

Selection criteria

  • Maturity and adaptability are key characteristics as students are expected to meet, work and live with their visitor and adapt to different situations, culture and realities.
  • Commitment and participation in a range of school extra-curricular activities. (e.g. service projects, adventure activities, outdoor school programmes, etc.) and school events (e.g MUN, Swimming Gala, Markham On Stage, etc.)
  • A solid record of effort and conduct grades
  • Active involvement in the International Students council programme

Hosting exchange students

Hosting is a wonderful experience for the whole family and an excellent way of broadening the cultural horizons of children.

Markham provides support for hosts and a clear set of duties and responsibilities that hosting involves. Although participation in the programme as hosts does not guarantee student's future acceptance into the exchange program, it is taken into account in the selection process.

GAP programme

Round Square offers Markham students the possibility to work for 6-12 months as assistant teachers once they have completed year 11 or IB.

Candidates can explore a new country and culture from the secure base of a school environment which provides accommodation and food in return for services in specified fields, with clearly defined terms of conduct and responsibility. Both the GAP Assistant and the School benefit from this interaction.

GAP assistants will:

  • work in a variety of roles, depending upon the needs of the School
  • assist with weekend activities
  • participate in Outdoor Education camps as required
  • do boarding house duties periodically

GAPs who get involved in all aspects of school life, showing initiative and flexibility, will get the most out of their experience. How involved they become depends on their initiative and flexibility.


Young Round Square
(Edited by Vincent Tincopa - Markham student)