The dual-language (English and Spanish) curriculum in the Lower School combines the best in international programmes stimulating pupils to become active thinkers, knowledgeable and open-minded.
An important aspect of our curriculum is our Personal and Social Education Programme (PSE) which encourages pupils to become principled and caring.
The Curriculum in the Lower School consists of the following subjects:
Pupil Evaluations
At all times we are less concerned with marks achieved than with the progress of the pupils and the effort they put into their work. Much emphasis is placed in the Lower School on the establishment of sound work principles and a high degree of personal organisation.
Pupils are evaluated on an objective-based grading system: Exceeds expectations, Meets expectations +, Meets expectations, Meets expectations -, Developing and Emerging. Additionally, grades for effort and attitude are awarded each bimester as well as conduct diplomas and class diplomas. Pupils who receive a high overall average effort grade are presented with an effort badge at the end of each bimester in the Lower School Commendation’s Assembly.
At the end of each academic year subject and class prizes are awarded in the whole school prize giving ceremony.