Academic Support in the Lower School
In the Lower School there are currently a variety of academic programmes in place to support a pupil’s learning.
The Academic Support programmes are monitored by the Head of PSE/Academic Support/Counselling in liaison with the Director of Studies. Heads of English, Spanish and Mathematics are also involved in the creation of these programmes.
These programmes are free of charge for all Markham families.
Academic Support: English, Spanish and Maths
(Primary 2 & Primary 3)
Support for English, Spanish and Mathematics is given to those students who would benefit from additional academic assistance. This programme focuses on developing basic skills and not on specific content.
English and Spanish support is provided by a specialist teacher and is based on each child’s needs for as long as needed. Generally, Primary 2 pupils in this programme receive 3 lessons per week and Primary 3 pupils receive two lessons. In the case of Mathematics, pupils receive support all year in a dedicated classroom with a specialist teacher.
Spanish and English Support for non-native speakers
(Primary 2 to Primary 5)
Spanish and English for non-native speakers may be provided to all new pupils joining the school who do not speak the other language. A specialist teacher generally works with the child for 2 to 3 periods per week. This support is generally provided for two years but may be extended if needed.