The shield was designed by Mr Victor Fernando Corante Pajuelo at the request of the Board of Governors in April 1949.
The College motto represented on the shield is: Studiis et Rebus Honestis.
According to a professor from the Classics Department at the University of Cambridge, as taken from the words of Horace, these words may best be translated as: For honourable studies and pursuits.
The message
With knowledge we acquire wisdom and the gifts of the universe; with conviction the virtue of projecting values to the new generations and gratitude to those who came before us. With work we will forge our will and dignity as free people.
The significance of each element
- The gold lion rampant represents Strength, Nobility, Dignity, Honour and Loyalty
- The six five-pointed stars represent respectively:
- The three stars at the top of the crest: Science, Arts, Sports
- The star on the left of the crest: Wisdom
- The star on the right of the crest: Conviction
- The star at the bottom of the crest: Discipline and Work