Early Years
Children have plenty of opportunities to practise physical education both with specialist teachers and their class tutors. All physical education classes are age appropriate aiming to help a child discover his or her own self-interests and to develop his or her natural abilities. These classes aim to develop the motor and coordination skills.
In addition to the specialist lessons, children also have many other opportunities to engage in PE activities during the school day. This includes break times when duty teachers actively encourage a variety of traditional games and sports.
This programme aims to:
- Recognise and value the possibilities of movement in a variety of activities
- Acquire and develop skills, performing with increasing physical competence and confidence, in a range of physical activities and contexts
- Establish better inter-personal skills through play
- Develop an understanding of the importance of a healthy, active lifestyle
- Develop and maintain positive attitudes to physical exercise
Lower School
Students practise physical education and Games (Games are sporting events and competitions between Houses that are practiced throughout the year).
The goals of the PE course are to:
- Teach values though play and mini sports which allow children to develop positive interpersonal relationships with their classmates
- Learn to create and modify rules in adapted games
- Learn to enjoy physical outdoor activities as an integral part of their free time
- Develop the motor abilities of each child that in turn will enhance their academic development
Sports practiced include:
- Athletics
- Gymnastics
- Football
- Basketball
- Hockey
- Softball
- Baseball
- Ping Pong / Table Tennis
- Volleyball
- Tae Kwon Do
- Bailes Peruanos (Dance)
- Touch Rugby
- Swimming
- Badminton
- Dodgeball
- Short Tennis
- Lacrosse
- Handball
- Chess
Upper School
There is a varied programme designed to improve their athletic skills in a wide range of activities.
The goals of the course are to:
- Promote a healthy lifestyle
- Encourage pupils to enjoy physical activity
- Develop skills in a broad range of activities
- Enable pupils to understand the tactics and roles within particular games
- Encourage pupils to cooperate and work together with other class members
Sports practised include:
- Athletics
- Badminton
- Basketball
- Dance
- Football
- Hockey
- Rugby
- Squash
- Softball
- Swimming and life-saving techniques
- Tennis
- Table tennis
- Volleyball