House colours are represented for generations in some of the families at Markham. Those families new to the College will join a House and begin a family tradition of their own.
Following British tradition, Markham College begins the House system in Primary 2 where each pupil begins to wear the colours of one of the four Houses: Cochrane, Guise, Miller and Rowcroft.
The backbone of any House is teamwork. Successful teamwork is based on promoting the individual talents of all House members and encouraging respect for team leaders.
Each House is directed by a both a male and female teacher who are assigned the duty of Head of House. The role of Head of House is to guide the House Captains (male and female pupils selected as Prefects) in the management of the House, to organize teams and to cheer on their House.
The system of House points is applied to many different areas of the College in which pupils compete as a team. House points are accumulated throughout the year for a variety of sporting, cultural, academic and other activities as well as House spirit. The major competitions include the Swimming Gala, Athletics Sports Day, Steeplechase, the Headmaster’s General Knowledge Paper, Markham on Stage, Debate, Design & Technology, Maths and Art.
Pupils are very proud of their House and encourage fellow House members to participate in the best ways they can. With such a variety or events taking place throughout the year, all pupils are able to find something they can offer to their House.
The winning House is awarded the Founder’s Shield at Speech Day.
Cochrane Guise Miller Rowcroft