Markham College aims to provide pupils with a rigorous academic education in English and Spanish leading to a high degree of success in a wide range of international public examinations. In addition, the school aims to develop the values of honesty and hard work, compassion and community responsibility, respect for family, country and an interconnected world.
Markham College seeks to embody all that is best in international and bilingual schooling. The provision of a first-class education will lead to the formation of highly-skilled, positive and adaptable young adults, prepared to face the demands and challenges of the modern world, able to pursue a life of commitment, purpose and meaning.
Strategic Aims
To continue to develop and promote Markham College and all that it offers such that it is recognised widely both locally and internationally as a world-class co-educational institution in terms of the:
- consistently high academic and other achievements of its pupils, particularly with respect to public examinations and university entrance
- excellence of its staff and the opportunities afforded to all colleagues for professional development and reflection
- outstanding quality and range of its facilities for teaching and learning
- delivery of the curriculum in a planned and cohesive way that reflects best practice
- breadth, innovation and specialist delivery of its academic, pastoral, extracurricular, sporting and social programmes
- organisation of the school in a way that promotes not only the academic but the all-round well-being of the individual